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Ley de inmigración

Nuestros abogados trabajan directamente con la administración y los recursos humanos en grandes organizaciones, así como con los propietarios de pequeñas empresas para diseñar estrategias y entregar solicitudes exitosas de visa y tarjeta de residencia, ayudarlos a mantener el cumplimiento de las leyes de inmigración y manejar las investigaciones gubernamentales.

Nuestros clientes incluyen una amplia gama de industrias multinacionales, que incluyen

  • servicios financieros y banca,

  • gestión y logística de la cadena de suministro

  • transporte aéreo

  • energía renovable

  • fabricación

  • entretenimiento

  • publicidad,

  • efectos visuales

  • servicios de restaurante, bebidas y hostelería

  • publicación

  • Tecnologías de la información

  • productores de vino

  • universidades y otros establecimientos educativos.

Listo para responder preguntas e inquietudes, brindamos un nivel integral de apoyo individualizado durante todo el proceso de visa y de manera continua, con la capacidad de concentrarse y cumplir en situaciones complejas o únicas.

Podemos combinar nuestra experiencia corporativa y de inmigración con la experiencia para ayudar de manera rentable a los empresarios extranjeros a establecer o adquirir empresas en los Estados Unidos y obtener una autorización de trabajo.

Nuestra práctica incluye visas E-1, E-2, E-3, H-1B, H-1B1, J-1, L-1A, L-1B, O-1 y TN, así como todo tipo de empleo. categorías de tarjetas verdes basadas en y naturalización.


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Be sure you have all your information at hand. The website times out and closes down unexpectedly and without warning. If you have to keep logging in over and over, you may get locked out. Click here to review the kinds of questions you will be asked and the information you must provide.

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Be sure you have a dependable internet connection. If your signal drops, your answers may be lost.

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Be sure your photo meets the Department of State requirements and can be uploaded quickly and conveniently.

You won't have time to hunt around in your files once you begin the application.

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Be sure to save your work often – at minimum twice on each page in order to preserve your data in the event of a timeout.

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Your partially completed or draft DS-160 can be saved up to 30 days before submitting.


Remember, submitting the DS-160 creates a permanent record with the Department of State,

so it it’s important to read each question on the DS-160 carefully and respond accurately.



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  • Start with a good passport photograph that meets Department of State requirements.

  • Have the photograph prepared for upload to the DS-160 form and keep it handy on your computer.

  • It must be square.

  • Your image must be in jpg format and under 240KB.

  • We recommend 600 x 600 pixels at a resolution of 72.

The Photo

Before you begin, have your DS-160 photo readily available for upload to the on-line form.

The photo upload can be the most frustrating part of the whole process. Here is our advice:

The Process



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Select the location where you will apply for a visa.

Enter the CAPTCHA code.

Select "Test Photo.



Click "Next: Upload Selected Photo"

You will see the file name of your photo.

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Upload your photo


Click the

Browse Button

which takes you to your files.


Select your 600 x 600 pixel photo.

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Click "Continue using this photo."

You will see the successful result.

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You are now ready to complete the form.

You will not deal with your uploaded photo until after you have filled in the Security and Background section.

At that point there will be a button labeled "Photo." Select it, and you are good to go.

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Este sitio web se considera publicidad de abogados. Consulte el descargo de responsabilidad completo para obtener más información.

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